Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I have always been a thrifty, healthy, crafty, "save the planet" kind of girl.  I've been recycling since I was a kid, helped my parents and family with gardening and canning food, when we shop for groceries we buy fresh fruits, veggies and meat and mostly stay away from the boxed and canned foods, I make my own lotions, face creams and oils so I know exactly what is being put on my skin, we hand wash and air dry our dishes, we have a small garden and composter in the back yard and if I can make it instead of buying it I will. Currently I am a wife and a mother of five.  Grant it my five babies walk on all fours and are covered in hair, I'm still their mommy.  After becoming a wife I can easily say I have become more like a cat.  No, I don't lay around all day and only get up to eat and use the bathroom, I have been domesticated.  Those who knew me before can probably remember me saying I won't get married and I don't want kids.  It's truly amazing how one person can make you see life in a whole new way. We are expecting our first child in about a month.  Once I saw her tiny body on the first ultrasound, I fell in love all over again.  It's crazy how much love I feel for someone I have never even met.  I guess that's what being a mom is all about.  She has been a pretty good tenant so far, but I think she's ready to move out into the big "real" world.  Either that or she is doing some major renovations in there because there is a lot of bumping, rolling, pushing and shoving going on in there.  I can't wait to teach a younger generation to take care of and respect the planet. In preparing for our little one, we were shocked by how many products are out there.  I'm a pretty simple person and I was blown away by the amount of choice there are for every single product!  I have done so much research on so many products, but I think I am finally realizing every person and every baby is different.  Finding the right products for our baby will come down to basic trial and error.  I've set up a You Tube account to post my reviews of the products I've tried in order to help out other parents in their decision making.  I'm a hands on person and I know actually seeing a product and how it works helped me more than reading about it.  I have also started a website that has DIY tips and ideas, recipes and helpful website links. I am hoping it should be going live in a week or two.  My You Tube channel will also have videos of my DIY and natural cleaning products in action.

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